We’re here to help women write their memoir and overcome the fears of what to do next on the path to publishing

You’re hesitant to say I’m a writer, but you’re curious about the next steps.

You have a story following you around.

You think about it when you’re washing dishes, chasing your kids, or grocery shopping.

You pull out your phone or notebook and jot down a few thoughts, but leave it for another day.

It’s time to invest in your writing.

We offer an online writing community for you to invest in yourself as a writer.

When you write in community, you surround yourself with the energy of other writers and you’re more likely to show up for yourself and get writing done.

If you’d like to chat with us, we’d love to connect.

Are you ready to:

  • Write the book that’s been following you like a shadow

  • Connect with other women writers on your path to publishing

  • Work on your writing mindset

  • Get support every step of the way as you write your book

Make space for your writing

What are writers in our community saying?

“Writing can be so isolating and lonely. It’s a lot more enjoyable when you share the journey with other writers. This podcast makes me feel like I’m not alone.” - Kristin, Member and Podcast Listener

"Elizabeth and Stephanie aren't gimmicky at all. Their podcast is as genuine as it gets. It's not 30 day challenges or word count goals. There is nothing to live up to. Just show up wherever you are in the writing journey. In the Inspired Writer Collective we no longer write in a vacuum, but celebrate little achievements together on a regular basis. They are figuring out their process as they go, and we are invited to join in because, let's face it, not all of us are English majors or Stephen King." - Katye, Member and Podcast Listener